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Buttermilk Keeps the Body Cool In Summer | Watermelon, Keera Increase Water Level in Body


In hot summer, the amount of relief one gets by drinking cool water cannot be described in words. Liquids should be taken in summer not only for providing coolness to the body but also to recover the fluids and salts that are lost from the body due to sweating.

#8 Do not wait to feel thirsty but take liquids frequently to maintain the water level in the body.

#7 Cool drinks instantly give coolness to the body but sugar, and caffeine in cool drinks increase thirst.

#6 When sunstroke occurs, have water with a pinch of salt to give back the salts and fluids that are lost from the body.

#5 Better to drink pot water instead of fridge water because fridge water makes the water cooler but the pot maintains the coolness of water at the required levels.

#4 Coconut water helps to protect the body from sunlight. They not only give water but also nutrients to the body.

#3 Buttermilk keeps the body cool. Buttermilk contains lactic acid that improves the immunity power of the body.

#2 Health wise Barley is good for the body and can be taken when feeling thirsty.

#1 Water levels are more in watermelon, keera, by having these one can reduce thirst and can increase water level in the body.

Eating Discipline for the Body I Dieting Formula 2023


Discipline for the body

The body will get used to the habits as it is trained. If a small quantity of food was given to the stomach, it stops there by itself. By keeping on putting something in the stomach, it becomes like a balloon, and again, if not eaten in the same quantity, it would not give the feeling of completeness. Hence, one should try to keep the body in discipline from the beginning to avoid ill health at a later time. If we start eating daily at a specific time, we will be hungry at that time only, and the hunger will reduce by eating the same quantity. The suggestion of experts is to eat with discipline rather than feeling bad after weight gain.

Dieting Formula 2023

8: Eat more times in fewer dosages. Eat something every two to three hours (no fast food). Eating slowly and enjoying the taste makes the stomach full earlier than eating fast.

7: Do not take processed food; for example, eating fruit is good rather than fruit juice. Take salad and fruits four to five times a day.

6: It is not good to completely depend on salads by stopping food.

5: You should not take more fried items. If required, take a very small quantity.

4: Eat more protein-rich foods rather than carbohydrates and fatty foods.

3: Drink sufficient water as this is an important nutrient even though we do not count it as a nutrient.

2: Do not be the misconception that fat-free and sugar-free food can be taken in high quantities Those are not free of calories. Taking in more calories invites more fat. Hence, make a habit of taking anything limitedly.

1: Exercise is more important than food. Weight will not be increased in case walking daily along with eating good food.

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How to Lose Weight? 2023
What Happens if We Do Over Dieting?

How to Lose Weight? 2023


If you want to lose weight, then skip your one-time diet and, in that place, take fruits, juices, etc, but don’t remain empty stomach; it harms our body. Suddenly, weight loss affects the heart.

If you want to lose weight, then do it properly.

  • Don’t skip breakfast every day.
  • Reduce chapatti at lunch.
  • Try to eat less potatoes.
  • Reduce the intake of ghee, oil, and deep-fried items.
  • Reduce your intake of sweet or white sugar.
  • Avoid ice cream and cold drinks.

If you suddenly stop eating, weakness will come, and rashes and dark spots will appear on your face. To reduce weight properly, take advice from a dietician.

  • Do aerobics or light exercise.
  • Use low-fat cheese on pizza.
  • At parties, avoid taking desserts after food because a dessert increases the calories in the body and causes obesity.
  • Eat more salad and fruits before you start your meals so that you will intake fewer calories.
  • Do you exercise using dumbbells? If you don’t have dumbles, then use two bottles filled with water in their place. It shapes your muscles.
  • Server food in small plate, so that you can intake less food
  • If you want to eat ice-cream, then buy small cup of ice-cream so that less calories will intake.

Note: Do aerobics or exercise daily; otherwise, due to dieting, your body becomes shapeless.

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What Happens if We Do Over Dieting?

What Happens if We Do Over Dieting
What Happens if We Do Over Dieting

To reduce fat from the body, people start consuming very less food. It causes many complications. The rate of digestive metabolism decreases with less consumption of food.

It causes restlessness, weakness, and tiredness. The immune system is also affected. The weight of the body decreases drastically in those people who over diet.

What Happens if We Do Over Dieting
What Happens if We Do Over Dieting

The reason for this is the emaciation of muscles. Muscles have the power to melt down fat.
Muscle weakening is an instrument that decreases fat in the body.

What happens if over-dieting is continued for some years and you start taking food that has higher caloric values? The weight of the body increases instantly, as the muscles lose the power to melt the fat.

Building up muscles is the only way to lose fat. Exercise and nutritious food are important for building muscles. Now do you understand the problems of over-dieting?

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The Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness
Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness

In the realm of wellness and weight management, the quest for optimal nutrition remains an ever-evolving expedition. Today, we embark on a journey through the bountiful universe of fruits, where we explore the enigmatic relationship between their intrinsic properties and their remarkable potential to assist in shedding unwanted pounds. Prepare yourself to be captivated by the tantalizing complexity and vibrant diversity that these nine wondrous fruits bring to the table.

Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

#9 Grapefruit:

The Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

Embark on a tangy and tart adventure with this citrus gem, renowned for its weight loss prowess. Unravel the mystery of its ability to regulate blood sugar levels and enhance metabolism, while indulging in its refreshingly bittersweet flavor that will leave your taste buds in awe.

#8 Dragon Fruit:-

The Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

Enter the mystical realm of this captivating fruit, with its radiant hues and dramatic appearance. A feast for the senses, its succulent flesh surprises with its delicate sweetness, accompanied by the tantalizing crunch of its tiny seeds, each bursting forth with beneficial omegas and antioxidants.

#7 Watermelon:-

The Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

Quench your thirst for weight loss success with this summer sensation. Juicy, hydrating, and bursting with natural sweetness, watermelon’s hidden complexity lies in its impressive array of vitamins, antioxidants, and a unique amino acid called citrulline, which supports healthy blood flow and rejuvenation.

#6 Pomegranate:-

The Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

A mesmerizing fruit adorned with ruby-like arils, each bursting with a harmonious blend of tartness and sweetness. Dive into its perplexing maze of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, as it dances on your taste buds and embraces your body in a symphony of health.

#5 Papaya:-

The Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

Immerse yourself in the tropical splendor of this vibrant fruit, with its vibrant orange flesh and unique musky aroma. The enigmatic papain enzyme within bestows upon it the power to aid digestion and combat inflammation, making it an ideal companion on your weight loss odyssey.

#4 Guava:-

The Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

Discover the tropics in a single bite, as this exotic wonder fruit transports you to sun-drenched beaches and swaying palm trees. The alluring aroma and delectable taste of guava conceal its treasure trove of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and lycopene—an antioxidant champion of heart health.

#3 Avocado:-

The Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

Prepare to be astounded by the multifaceted nature of this green marvel. Creamy, luscious, and rich in monounsaturated fats, avocados effortlessly dispel the notion that all fats are detrimental. Their enigmatic allure lies in their ability to impart satiety while providing a plethora of essential vitamins and minerals.

#2 Blueberries:-

The Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

Venture into the ethereal world of these indigo jewels, where their tiny size belies their colossal impact. These antioxidants powerhouses deliver a burst of freshness, aiding in weight management while bestowing your body with an array of vital nutrients and cognitive benefits.

#1 Kiwi:-

The Top 9 Exotic Fruits for Daily Weight Loss and Wellness 2023

Step into the world of this humble yet extraordinary fruit, its verdant flesh concealing a myriad of surprises. With each succulent bite, you unlock the enigma of its high fiber content, essential nutrients, and an invigorating burst of tanginess that keeps your palate yearning for more.

In the quest for optimal well-being, the conundrum of weight management beckons us to explore the intricate world of fruits. These nine enigmatic treasures, with their awe-inspiring perplexity and tantalizing burstiness, hold the key to unlocking your weight loss aspirations. Embrace their complexity, savor their diversity, and embark on a transformative journey that intertwines health, pleasure, and the irresistible allure of nature’s most captivating creations.


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Itchy Eyes Main Causes, Treatment Home Remedies Full Guide 2023

Disadvantages of Air Conditioning (AC) 2023

Itchy Eyes Main Causes, Treatment Home Remedies Full Guide 2023

Itchy Eyes Main Causes and Treatment
Itchy Eyes Main Causes and Treatment

The majority of people today experience eye-related problems. This is because going outside frequently exposes us to dust and dirt, which can be harmful to our eyes. It is advised to have your eyes examined if you have eye itching.

Itching in the eyes is a typical symptom of a number of eye disorders and can be brought on by a number of things, including pollution, dust, infections, and allergies. Scratching an eye itch makes it worse and might make you feel uncomfortable all day. Because they can cause your eyes to become red and inflamed, itchy eyes can be a significant issue. Itching is frequently the first symptom of severe illnesses that result from damage to the blood vessels inside the eyes.

Eyes are essential to us since we cannot perform any tasks without them. As a result, we should protect our eyes. We’re bringing you some natural solutions for irritated eyes today. Learn more about them now.

Itchy Eyes main Causes:

  • Prolonged contact with dust and grime is the primary cause of itchy eyes.
  • Infections or the cold might also be to blame.
  • Allergies can cause irritation in the eyes in certain people.
  • It can happen while you’re in direct sunlight.
  • Prolonged TV watching.
  • Nighttime work in a brightly lit room.

Treatment for Itchy Eyes:       

 Applying a cold compress to the eyes might help with itchy eyes. Applying a cold compress to the eyes gives comfort when foreign objects like dust and grit enter the eyes.

Put cool water-soaked tea bags or cotton cloths over your eyes. Cold compresses kept in the refrigerator can also be used. They offer prompt relief when applied to the eyes for 10 to 10 minutes, three to four times a day.

Use of Cucumber:

Cucumber is a natural medicine that relieves itchiness, dryness, and inflammation of the eyes.

Cucumbers should be washed, sliced, and stored in the fridge. After 10 to 15 minutes, apply the cold cucumber slices to your eyes. For prompt relief, repeat this procedure four to five times daily.

Use of Raw Potatoes:

Potatoes help relieve eye discomfort and provide a cooling effect, just like cucumber does. A potato should be washed, diced into tiny, spherical pieces, and stored in the fridge. Place them on your eyes after they have cold. Do this method three to four times daily. This treatment lessens itchiness in the eyes.

Use of Aloe Vera gel:

Aloe vera gel helps to cool the eyes and lessen eye sensitivity.

Apply the gel beneath the eyes after washing a tiny aloe vera leaf. Additionally, you can apply it shortly before bed at night.

It is advised to see an ophthalmologist if the irritation in your eyes is severe or if you have tried these methods and still have not seen relief. They will help you find the appropriate medical care and drugs.

If you like Itchy Eyes Main Causes, Treatment Home Remedies Full Guide 2023 these health tips, please leave a comment. Share this post with your friends and Family. stay with us all the time. Thank You So Much.

Disadvantages of Air Conditioning (AC) 2023

Disadvantages of Air Conditioning (AC) 2023
Disadvantages of Air Conditioning (AC) 2023

The advent of air conditioning, commonly known as A.C., has brought about a transformative shift in altering our environmental conditions during scorching summers and chilly winters. By harnessing its cooling or heating capabilities, air conditioning offers respite from extreme temperatures that can otherwise leave us sweltering or shivering. However, beneath its veneer of comfort lies a plethora of disadvantages that cannot be overlooked, as its usage can render individuals vulnerable to an array of ailments.

Disadvantages of Air Conditioning (AC) 2023

Surviving the summer season sans a fan or cooler poses a formidable challenge, as heightened body heat can pave the way for an assortment of health issues. Consequently, most people resort to fans and coolers as alternatives, albeit marred by their irksome clamor. Despite this, the pitfalls of air conditioning persist, with ocular irritation taking center stage.

To mitigate this concern, the advent of noiseless air conditioners has gained traction. These innovative marvels leverage a cooling mechanism to dispense air that surpasses the cooling capacity of traditional coolers. Alas, the excessive utilization of air conditioners can engender perilous health risks, impacting various bodily systems.

Protracted exposure to air conditioners plagues those toiling away in office settings for extended periods. Prolonged sojourns in the presence of an air conditioner, spanning a staggering 8 to 10 hours, commonly give rise to debilitating headaches. Paradoxically, the root cause of this discomfort lies not in the air conditioner itself but rather in the frigid air it exhales, which plummets the body’s temperature to perilously low levels.

Eye irritation constitutes another unwelcome consequence of air conditioning. While it effectively expels heat from our bodies, an excess of dry air discharged by air conditioners may usher in fatigue, coughs, flu, and an array of other ailments. Unwittingly, positioning ourselves in close proximity to these artificially cooled gusts exposes our skin and eyes to aridness, precipitating a burning sensation, itching, and an elevated likelihood of contact lens adherence.

In addition to ocular woes, air conditioning ravages our skin by draining it of its vital moisture. By siphoning off ambient moisture, air conditioners impair not only our eyes but also our skin’s well-being. Hydration is an essential prerequisite for skin health, yet sitting before an air conditioner or being entrenched in its icy currents strips away moisture and diminishes the skin’s suppleness.

Consequently, parched skin becomes a breeding ground for an assortment of dermal afflictions. Combatting this conundrum necessitates a steadfast commitment to consuming copious amounts of water and diligently moisturizing the skin, especially when dwelling within artificially chilled environments for protracted periods.

Beware the perils that befall those ensnared by air conditioning addiction. Succumbing to this dependence diminishes individuals’ resilience to hot weather and their ability to endure scorching heat. Even moderately warm temperatures suddenly metamorphose into unbearable infernos for these hapless souls. Consequently, their physical well-being deteriorates, as they grapple to regulate their body temperatures effectively. Those residing in hot climates face an especially uphill battle, grappling with an inability to acclimatize to the unforgiving weather. When they venture out of their air-conditioned sanctuaries and confront the blistering heat, their delicate skin becomes susceptible to sunburn and an assortment of heat-related maladies.

While air conditioning presents a temporary sanctuary from discomfort and sweltering heat, overindulgence in this modern convenience exacts a toll on our health. Ocular irritation, skin dehydration, and an impaired ability to withstand heat collectively underscore the detrimental effects that excessive and prolonged air conditioner usage can manifest. Prudent utilization and precautionary measures are imperative to mitigate the potentially adverse consequences that air conditioning may unleash upon our well-being.